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CH. Wyoming's Perfect Location CGC


6/18/2002- 9/30/2008

Because of a deer tick, the love of my life was taken from me way too soon.  Lyme's Disease was the killer of my precious baby. She did not show the signs that you want to see with Lyme's Disease like being lethargic and going lame.  By the time we knew something was wrong it was too late for anything to be turned around, her kidney function was too far gone. The U of M though she contracted Lyme's at least a year before we saw any signs that something was not right.  Please vaccinate your pets with the Lyme's shot and use Frontline monthly.  Even doing these things, your pets are not covered 100% but, it can help reduce the odds of this deadly disease greatly.  In the Midwest, 1 in every 4 deer ticks has Lyme's Disease.  Protect your loved ones now so you do not have to go through what we did..... 


In Loving Memory of my sweet Arizona.....

6/18/2002- 9/30/2008

Not a single day goes by that you are not and will not be in my thoughts.  You were my once in a lifetime dog and you will forever be in my heart.

I know that someday we will be together again...... 

I love you


We who choose to surround

ourselves with lives more

precious than our own,

live in a fragile circle,

easily and often breached.

Unable to accept its awful gaps,

we still would live no other way.

We cherish memory

as the only certain immortality,

never fully understanding the necessary plan.

Irving Townsend




Denyce and Arizona 9/14/2008


Photos courtesy of  http://parmelyphotography.com



WB/New Champion at the Medina KC GR Specialty 12/12/03

 for a 5 point major under Judge Nancy A. Dinkfelt


BOW Lompoc Valley KC July 2003

Arizona at 2 years

I'm so bad...


Arizona's Clearances

Hip: OFA GR-83326F-24F-PI

Elbows: OFA GR-EL9638F24-PI

Heart: OFA GR-CA6856/13F/C-PI

Eyes/Cerf: GR-26843/2005-35





All images are copyrighted © 2012 Wyoming Golden Retrievers.
Use of these images is strictly prohibited without written authorization.

Graphics designed by © Stardog Productions Inc.

Website content and maintained  by Wyoming Goldens